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Local Governance
Current LGB Members
Name | Responsibility | Appointment Date | Appointed or Elected By | Date of Office | Register of Interest including transactions to August 2025 | Percentage attendance 2023-2024 |
Debbie Conroy (Headteacher) Ex Offico |
| 01.09.22 |
TKAT | 01.09.22 | Headteacher of Maldon Primary School from 01.09.2022 Nill Return | 100% |
David Churchill Appointed | Safeguarding Health and Safety Governor | 07.12.21 |
LGB | 07.12.21 to 31.08.25 | Employed at TKAT SLT since 01.10.18 Trustee at mid Essex Anglican Academy since 31.03.12 Parent governor at Sheffield High School since 22.11.19 Spouse works for Ofsted 01.03.22 | 83% |
Amy Pennick Appointed |
| 24.04.21 | LGB | 01.09.22-31.08.26 | Nil Return | 67% |
Vicky Salvage Appointed | Wellbeing | 01.11.22 | LGB | 01.09.23- 31.08.27 | Nil Return | 67% |
Anika Morson Appointed | Vice Chair SEND | 01.01.23 | LGB | 01.01.23-31.12.26 | Nil Return | 50% |
Danielle Wiseman Parent |
| 01.06.2024 | Parents | 01.06.2024 - 31.05.2028 | Nil Return | 0% |
Holly Lees Parent | Behaviour | 01.06.2024 | Parents | 01.06.2024 - 31.05.2028 | Nil Return | 0% |
Davinia Skelly Staff |
| 01/09/2024 | Staff | 31/08/2028 | Employee of Maldon Primary School from 06.06.2022 | 0% |
Michelle Cole | 4/10/2024 | LGB | 4/10/2024 - 3/10/2028 | Michelle is a Headteacher for a school outside of TKAT since September 2023 | ||
Angela Fuller | Clerk |
| Angela Fuller is the Clerk at another TKAT School |
Previous LGB Members
Name | Responsibility | Appointment Date | Date of Office | Resigned | Register of Business interests 2023-2024 | Percentage attendance 2023-2024 |
Tina Sapsed Staff Governor | Sport Premium | 23.05.2018 | 23.05.2021 - 22.05.2026 | 31.08.2024 | Employee of Maldon Primary School | 83% |
Paul Turney Appointed | Curriculum | 18.05.21 | 18.05.21-17.05.25 | 1/11/2024 | Paul Turney is employed at Tangmere Primary Academy since 04.11.23 | 50% |
Amanda Kinghorn Appointed | Attendance | 01.01.2023 | 01.01.2023- 31.12.2026 | 13.03.2025 | Nil Return | 50% |
Here you will find information about the Local Governing Body, the prime aim of which is to ensure the best possible education and learning environment for all pupils at Maldon Primary School.
Governor Aims and Vision Statement
Maldon Primary School is an academy as part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT).
TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st September 2010. Its constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation. TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies.
Please click here to link to the Scheme of Delegation: Scheme of Delegation
The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.
Please click here to link to the Directors of the TKAT Board: Meet the Trustees
Please click here to link to Governance information relating to TKAT, including the structure of governance and relevant details about Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests: TKAT Governance
Please click here for key documents including the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts: Key Information
Maldon Primary School Local Governing Body
Our Headteacher, Miss D Conroy, is responsible for the day to day running of the school, whereas the Local Governing Body, working with the Headteacher and staff, is responsible for the strategy: monitoring performance and development plans. Governors act on behalf of the school to ensure that the school objectives and policies are being met and play an essential role in supporting staff, parents and most importantly, pupils, in achieving the highest standards.
Mission Statement
One of the LGB's responisbilities is to ensure that Maldon's long term vision reflects the needs of our community beyond current post-holders and in line with TKATs vision and values. The schools values are:
We are honest
We are respectful
We are hardworking
We currently have 8 governors:
1 Headteacher
1 Staff Governors
2 Parent Governors
6 Appointed Governors
Chair of Governors: Mr David Churchill, an Appointed Governor
Vice-Chair of Governors: Anika Morsen, an appointed Governor (designate)
Please see the table above for details on our current and recent LGB members. If you wish to contact governors, please do so via the school contact details.