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The Governing Body of Maldon Primary School welcome applications for admission to the school from parents who wish their children to be admitted in the September of the school year in which they become 5 years of age. Parents should apply by post or online to the Local Education Authority by the closing date.

Applications for school must be made via the Essex County Council Admissions Office. This means that instead of applying separately to different schools parents can use a single application form to express their preferences. Children are normally admitted to the school in September at the beginning of the school year in which they reach their fifth birthday.

From the age of 5 years children are of statutory school age and must attend school full-time. At the start of the autumn term not all children in their Reception Year are of statutory school age however are entitled to attend school on either a part-time or full-time basis if the parent wishes. Starting school is an important and significant event in a young child’s life and we aim to ensure this is a positive experience for the child and parent.

We are pleased to receive applications for all children regardless of gender, race, or special needs. Children with Special Educational Needs or disabilities are treated no less favourably than other applicants for admission to school.
The admission of children who have an Education Health Care Plan is undertaken in liaison with the Special Education Assessment Team, which is part of Essex County Council.  

The admissions number for the year 2025/26 is 30. There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority area*
In the event of over subscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given

  1. Looked After Children ;
  2. Children with a sibling attending the school (Sibling and distance definitions are in accordance with the LA definition in the booklet) ;
  3. Children living in the priority admission area of Maldon;

Remaining applications in the event of over-subscription within any of the above criteria priority will be determined by a straight line distance+ from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority. 

In the event of a tie an officer of the school, not involved in admissions, will draw lots to determine who gets the place.

Mid-Year Admissions

Essex Local Authority have decided that as from 1st April 2022 they are no longer going to be offering the service of running the in-year admission process for academies in Essex.  This means that:

  • All parents wishing for their child to join the school outside of the normal admission round, must apply to the school direct.
  • The school and the LGB will have to consider each application and decide whether to offer a place, and respond to the parent.
  • Each application needs to be dealt with within 10 school days, 15 school days at the maximum

If you wish to apply for a place at Maldon Primary School for your child, you must complete an application form.  Applications can be downloaded here or are available on request from the school office on 01621 853409

If your application is unsuccessful and you wish to be added to a waiting list, you must complete the 'Waiting list request' form, which can be downloaded here, or again, is available via the school office.  You will not be added to a waiting list without having previously applied to the school for a place.

Appeals Timetable

Your appeal will be heard at what is called a Hearing, within a time scale of 40 school days from 20th May 2025. It is likely to be heard by 22nd July 2025.

All other appeals known as ‘in-year’ admissions and those for Year R submitted after 20th May 2025 will be heard within 30 school working days of submitting the request.

Your appeal request should state your reasons for your request and any additional information/documentation/appendices should be submitted five days before the Hearing to allow time for it to be copied and distributed to all the interested parties. At least 10 working days before your appeal, unless you choose to waive this right, you will be sent detailed information regarding the process and also the date and names of the independent panel members who will hear the appeal.

The school is unable to guarantee that any original work/evidence/folders, submitted as part of the appeal, will be returned. Appellants may wish to submit copies in advance and then take important original documents verifying evidence to the appeal. 

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Admissions Policy 23-24

Admissions Policy 24-25

Admissions Policy 25-26

     Admissions Policy 26-27